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By Harrison George |
Our resident satirist Harrison George returns with another piece on the UK government's plan to deport refugees to Rwanda, and Thailand's need to boost its human rights image.
By Harrison George |
<p>A recent letter from the Royal Thai Police to the Ministry of Justice indicates that the police now want to delay implementation of the newly-touted points system for improving driver behaviour.&nbsp;</p>
By Harrison George |
By Harrison George |
<p>Experts are warning that Thailand risks a serious outbreak of a highly contagious disease that could lead to widespread ignorance and mass hysteria. High-ranking officials and politicians appear to be among the most highly vulnerable groups.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>HG&#39;s take on an ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine and how the language can be&nbsp;miscommunicated so well.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>HG&#39;s take on neutrality, Thainess, and war in Ukraine.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>An enduring conversation between HG and an amnesty-get-out someone.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>After years of fighting off disaster, the economy of the nation was on its knees.&nbsp;The government had been forced to spend well beyond its means to wage the war.&nbsp;At the same time, economic activity had been devastated, seriously reducing government revenue.&nbsp;The country was on the edge of a financial abyss...</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>HG&#39;s story over a scenario when an excessive use of plastic (bags?)&nbsp;becomes the National Police&#39;s&nbsp;agenda.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>Harrison George presents you a conversation of a journalist and policemen, regarding news reporting.</p>