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By Harrison George |
By Harrison George |
<p>Experts are warning that Thailand risks a serious outbreak of a highly contagious disease that could lead to widespread ignorance and mass hysteria. High-ranking officials and politicians appear to be among the most highly vulnerable groups.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>HG&#39;s take on an ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine and how the language can be&nbsp;miscommunicated so well.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>HG&#39;s take on neutrality, Thainess, and war in Ukraine.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>An enduring conversation between HG and an amnesty-get-out someone.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>After years of fighting off disaster, the economy of the nation was on its knees.&nbsp;The government had been forced to spend well beyond its means to wage the war.&nbsp;At the same time, economic activity had been devastated, seriously reducing government revenue.&nbsp;The country was on the edge of a financial abyss...</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>HG&#39;s story over a scenario when an excessive use of plastic (bags?)&nbsp;becomes the National Police&#39;s&nbsp;agenda.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>Harrison George presents you a conversation of a journalist and policemen, regarding news reporting.</p>
By Harrison George |
By Harrison George |
<p>Is there anything today which is important for general life and well-being and scarce and likely to remain so for the foreseeable future? If you can&rsquo;t answer that question, you obviously don&rsquo;t live anywhere close to what the newspapers coyly call &lsquo;entertainment venues&rsquo; in the Thong Lo area.</p>
By Harrison George |